00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
For freelancers, coaches, and entrepreneurs

The New System For Attracting More Clients, Charging Premium Rates, and Scaling Your Business

(Without Burnout, Spamming DMs, or “Hustling” 24/7)
Discover The Same System People Like Dan Koe, Alex Hormozi, and Justin Welsh Used To Scale Past 7-Figures a Year
Discover The Same System People Like Dan Koe, Alex Hormozi, and Justin Welsh Used 
To Scale Past 7-Figures a Year
Feedback from past programs
Dan Koe profile
"I've watched Dakota single handedly start new trends, gain millions of followers for his clients, and grow his brand faster than anyone I've seen. He may only be half my height, but that only means he has to compensate with a great community. Join it."
Dan Koe | Author of The Art Of Focus
Lara Acosta profile
"Dakota’s content helped me create viral content for myself and clients consistently while learning how to grow, scale and monetise my own social media without sacrificing myself and building my social media accounts to 100k+ and my online biz to 6 figures - If I were you I’d listen to him"
Lara Acosta | Founder of LA Digital
Dakota Robertson profile
"Dakota is dashingly handsome, incredibly smart, and super jacked. He’s definitely not 5 foot 8 like some people say. Oh, and Dakota is also VERY humble. If you want to grow a personal brand that stands out, join Full Stack Creator ASAP."
Definitely Not Dakota Robertson | Super Successful Person
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
You might have seen me around on..
You might have seen me around on..
My Story

From Construction Worker To 7-Figure Creator

If your friend called you with “big news” you’d be excited for them right?

How would you react if the “big news” was that they just decided to: 
drop out of college
quit their job

...and go all in on social media while they had…. wait for it…. 


You’d probably think they’re an idiot. 
Dakota Robertson construction
The thing is, we’re not talking about your imaginary friend here.
I did all three of those things a few years ago. 
And since then I’ve gained over: 
  • 268K followers on Twitter (I refuse to call it X)
  • 160K on Instagram
  • 66K on LinkedIn
  • ​58K on Threads
  • ​18K on YouTube
And while building a 7-figure business online, traveling to 14 countries, and now having the freedom to do literally whatever I want in life. 
red lambo

I’m not here to flex red Lambos or Rolexes.

I’m more proud of what some of the people I’ve helped have been able to accomplish than what I’ve done, but I’ll get to that later. 

These days there are basically two groups of people when it comes to making money
  • Those who work their asses off to make a few sales here and there…
  • And there are Full Stack Creators
Think about your favorite business content creators. 

People like Alex Hormozi, Justin Welsh, Dan Koe, Lara Acosta, Kieran Drew, Gary Vee, Alex Becker…you get the picture. 

These people all started out like you and me.
  • Gary Vee had a job (selling wine for his dad) that he wanted to escape.
  • Alex Hormozi was hustling to make money running his own gym. 
  • Dan Koe started as a solopreneur with web design.
  • Alex Becker was actually a firefighter before transitioning into the hilarious guru/coach that so many people watched on YouTube.
None of them were any special or living extraordinary lives.

But they all made a decision. 

The same decision that completely changed my life a few years ago.

They started building businesses around content creation.

They saw that the future belonged to those who could capture and convert attention online 

Now it’s more clear than ever. 

My good friends at Goldman Sachs estimate the creator economy doubling in size to $480 billion by 2027.

According to my intern (Google) there are over 5 billion active social media users in the world. 

The single best way to achieve financial freedom is through the use of social media to make money by being a Full Stack Creators. 
creator economy growth
creator economy growth
Taylin Simmonds profile
“Dakota came in with some amazing plug in play resources and systems. And helped me build an agency to $50K per month in 6 months time.”
Taylin Simmonds | Digital Educator

I tried countless side hustles online. 

I’ve started and quit pretty much any online business model you can name.

Amazon FBA, flipping iPhones, selling mugs on eBay (thanks Gary V), and even OnlyFans....

Okay, no OnlyFans (yet).

But all these gurus seemed to be full of crap and I started to give up hope on this online business dream…

Until I stepped back and simplified it all

I was so focused on all the little tips and tricks that I got lost in the sauce.

When I realized online businesses really just come down to “good offers + attention on social media = money” I had a breakthrough.
online business formula, offer+attention=money

I was able to scale my ghostwriting agency to $30k-$50k months and my consulting business to $100k-$250k months.

So now I’ll answer that question that’s probably been bouncing around in your head like a cricket on crack.

WTF is a Full
Stack Creator?

WTF is a Full Stack Creator?

I’m glad you asked, handsome (or beautiful, I don’t discriminate).

A Full Stack Creator or (FSC if you’re too lazy to read three words) is someone who specializes, generalizes, then productizes. 

They leverage the reach of social media with the power of their skills to create an ultra-profitable online business.
Dakota Robertson, too many leads graphic
Imagine waking up every morning to DM’s on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram from people that want to become a paying client of yours.
That’s what you life will look like as a Full Stack Creators.
step 1


Full Stack Creators niche down by specializing in one skill and they build a diehard audience in that space.

This is how you create an army of people that know you, like you, trust you, and ultimately buy from you.

Gary Vee started out as a wine specialist. 
Alex Hormozi was a meathead (gym bro specialist).
specialize graphic, target pointing to center
Starting out as a specialist helps you break through the clutter and noise on social media these days, then you generalize by skill stacking.
step 2


By stacking complementary skills you’ll be able to provide more value to your clients, stand out from your competition (all the other single skill losers), and increase your demand. 
This places you into a category of one, giving you an unfair advantage when it comes to getting clients in your industry.
At the end of the day this just means more clients paying you higher prices.
skill stacking graphic
To get your ideas flowing some examples include:
skill stacking graphic
  • A web developer who also writes copy. 
  • An automation specialist that also builds sales funnels.
  • A video editor that writes great scripts.
  • A fitness coach who also builds systems.
  • A social media ghostwriter who also does email marketing
  • A designer who also does brand strategy. 
After building an audience by being a specialist and stacking a couple skills to stand out and earn more the final step is productizing.
step 3


Once you’ve tested and refined your solution, you can package it into an offer that you build once and sell infinitely.

This might be a software, course, book, community, system, or program.

You no longer have to sell your time, because you’ve taken your expertise and turned it into a product that can be sold forever. 
This gives you endless leverage because as your personal brand grows, so does your business.
productize graphic
This is the exact formula that all of the top guys in this online business space have used to make tens of millions of dollars.
Iman Gadzhi, Alex Hormozi, Dan Koe, Dickie Bush, Kieran Drew, and I could go on and on.
They all specialized, generalized, then productized and it’s made them all 
absurd amounts of money.

The Hurdle

I’d say about 97% of people online fall into one of three categories these days.
ignorant graphic, hurdle to online business success
There are the people that don’t understand the value of an audience so they don’t bother creating content. 

These guys are missing out BIG time and honestly it’s just an ignorant way to live.
voider graphic, hurdle to online business success
the voider
They just post content into the void. 

They have almost no followers, no strategy, and get no results. 

This is not the way.
voider freestyler, hurdle to online business success
the freestyler
These are the people you see online that have a few thousands followers or maybe even tens of thousands but they don’t really make any money from their social media

They just post random stuff with no goal and no system. 

In my opinion they’re just wasting time.

If you’re going to build up a following and create content, you might as well use it to actually benefit your life and grow your business. 
All three of these groups really have the same problem.
They don’t have a proven system to follow that will force them to build an audience, scale that audience, and ultimately turn those followers into dollars in their bank account.
proven system to grow, build audience, scale attention, monetize
Using the Full Stack Creator system the combo of social media and business becomes fun.
You wake up, get to create content that you’re actually interested in, and clients come to you. 

Over the past few years I’ve literally had days where I’ve made thousands of dollars while I’m out on a boat with friends or while I’m on a flight to a new country just because a post goes viral. 
When I think about my dream life it all revolves around the freedom to do whatever I want, wherever I want, whenever I want. 
full stack creator freedom graphi, dakota robertson, stripe notifications
The key to that lies in building a valuable audience that you can monetize consistently

Now I can collect cash while I sip girly little drinks on the beach with the homies and all the old kids from my school are stuck slaving away at a 9-5 in a sad, gray cubicle. 

And the best part is that I’m not special. 

I’m not some special social media algorithm genius. 

I’ve helped countless other people do the exact same thing.
Wins from the Full Stack Creator System
Here are a few clients that have used my system to grow their businesses with social media.
  • Taylin Simmonds went from making $42K/year as a professor to making $500K/year.
  • Clifton S. quit his job and has now made over $1,000,000.
  • Dylan Ladd quit his job and hit $30K/month.
  • Andrew Wood went from being laid off from his job to making $4K/month within 2 months.
  • Jack Moses was able to drop out of college and hit $10K a month.
Fernando C. scaled to $10K-$30K/months.
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Anthony Carlton hit $91K/month within a year.
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screenshot retainer, 6 figure month
screenshot retainer, 6 figure month
screenshot retainer, 20-25k months
Rohith quit his job and hit $20K/month.
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Mike Bolton hit $10K/month.
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Nicolas Bueno hit $20K/month.
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Andrew Rodarte hit $20K a month within 6 months.
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Jack Bly grew from 20k to 60k followers within 3 months.
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Magdalena made $5K within 3 months and went from 0 to 10K LinkedIn followers.
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Farouk B. landed multiple $2K/month clients and went from 0 to 4,000 followers.
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I mean if that isn’t convincing evidence that this shit really works I don’t know what is.

I want you to be my next case study. 
Now, picture this.

In 6-12 months, you’ve gone from nobody knowing who the hell you are to a personal brand that’s attracting clients like moths to a flame (minus the whole burning-alive part).

You’re not wasting your life chasing strangers like a door-to-door vacuum salesman. Instead, you’ve got high-paying clients coming to you. You’re working less, charging more, and finally have enough time to do whatever the hell you want.

Sure, maybe you don’t have 50K followers overnight (because you’re not a Kardashian), but you’ve built an audience that gives a damn.

People like Sarah and Caleb? They went from no clients to getting their first paying gigs. And Vincenzo? He made his first $1,000 online—not exactly Bezos-level, but hey, beats working for tips.


30mins ago   Seen by 10
Clients are knocking on my door like a couple of Mormons on a Sunday morning…

Except this time, I’m actually happy to answer.

6 months ago, I was stressed and burnt out.

Now I’ve got the freedom to focus on what actually matters—my work and my life.
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So whether you want to scale an online business to six figures a month like I have, or you just want to make your first thousand bucks online, the Full Stack Creator system is the solution. 
What’s included when I sign up for Full Stack Creator?
I’m glad you asked. Honestly the value you’re going to get in this program is STUPID. 
Like it just doesn’t make sense. 

All my imaginary friends told me this should cost several thousand dollars.
But I’m a man of the people so here it goes.
Bi-Weekly Live Workshops
Bi-Weekly Live Workshops
First, I’ll be hosting bi-weekly live workshops which will give you specific and actionable lessons to help you improve your business or content.
Active Community Of Like-Minded Creators and Entrepreneurs
An Active Community Of Like-Minded Creators and Entrepreneurs
Next up is access to a kickass community where you can connect with like-minded people who get your challenges and offer support, advice, and accountability. 

You can even opt into a matchup automation to pair up with others looking to network and collaborate as they build their audience and business.
Monthly Group Feedback Call
Monthly Group Feedback Call (Hosted By The Community Manager, Nickolas)
Once a month, our community manager, Nickolas, will host a content critique call. Where members can bring their content to the call and give each other feedback.
Monthly Expert Masterclasses
Monthly Expert Masterclasses
On our monthly live guest masterclasses you’ll learn from experts that normally charge thousands of dollars for consulting. People like Dan Koe, Lara Acosta, Kieran Drew, Taylin Simmonds, JK Molina have been guests in the past.

They’ll help you avoid dumb mistakes that would waste time, energy, and money
Monthly Side Quests
Monthly Side Quests
The monthly side quests in the group are specifically designed to help you lock in.

These challenges will serve to make you overcome procrastination and self-doubt, holding you accountable to consistently making progress towards your goals.
Full Stack Branding Course
Full Stack Branding Course
This isn’t just a couple crappy videos telling you to have a good profile pic on your social media accounts. 

This course saves you time and stress by giving you proven frameworks to create a brand that separates you from the competition and actually attracts your ideal audience.

When you position your personal brand as a top authority in your space you can charge higher prices and ultimately make more money while working less. 
Full Stack Content Course
Full Stack Content Course
This content writing course is full of plug and play frameworks that will help you write engaging content effectively and efficiently.

I share how you can leverage AI to cut your content production time in half and still sound human while doing it.

The Full stack Content Course gives you a system to consistently produce engaging, high-quality content that grows with your audience and helps turn them into clients.
The Full Stack Mindset Course
The Full Stack Mindset Course
A course that helps you overcome many of the common mindset hurdles that creators and entrepreneurs struggle with, like imposter syndrome, procrastination, and perfectionism.
 Full Stack Business Course
 Full Stack Business Course
On top of that, I’ll be releasing a Full Stack Business course in the coming weeks. This will go over the essentials of offer creation, marketing, sales, and more.
(*Cue the cheesy infomercial voice*
“But wait, there’s more!”)
When I sat back and tried to figure out how to make this so good that you’d have to be dumber than a potato to not join, I came up with some good ideas.

So I added these bonuses for everyone that signs up for this launch.
7 Video Masterclasses
7 Video Masterclasses
Access recorded masterclasses from the top creators and entrepreneurs in this space. 

You’ll gain insights on marketing, content, and writing from Dan Koe, Lara Acosta, JK Molina, Nicholas Verge, Daniel Fazio, Kieran Drew, and Tim Denning.
Full Stack Engagement groups
Full Stack Engagement
I’m also putting together a Full Stack Creator social media engagement group where members will have the opportunity to boost their posts by giving and receiving genuine engagement to each other’s content. 
The Viral Video Swipe File
The Viral Video Swipe File
I created a viral video swipe file with over 3,000 proven viral videos and their hooks you can use for inspiration.
A Swipe File of Dakota’s Top-Performing Tweets
A Swipe File of Dakota’s Top-Performing Tweets
I’ve also included 3 years worth of my top performing Twitter posts with all the analytics, so you can see what types of posts drive engagement and followers.
The LinkedIn Viral Swipe File
The LinkedIn Viral Swipe File
On top of that, I’ve created a Linkedin viral post swipe file that has over 2,000 posts and is updated monthly. 

This will give you almost unlimited inspiration and help you craft content that captures attention, drives engagement, and leads to followers that will eventually become customers. 
Social Media Post Templates
Social Media Post Templates
Want to simplify your social media strategy with ready-to-use templates that ensure your posts are professional, engaging, and on-brand?

Perfect, the bonus social media post templates were made just for that.

Using them will help you produce high-quality content without spending hours on design and content, freeing up more time for business growth.
The Full Stack Focus System
The Full Stack Focus System
Finally, you’ll get access to my personal productivity system to maximize productivity without burning out.

If you can’t focus, stay consistent, and maintain a healthy work-life balance that keeps you in the game long enough to succeed, you’ll have a rough road ahead of you.

This productivity system is what I’ve used to stay dialed in every aspect of my life and achieve all my goals. 
Kieran Drew profile
“I've been writing online for 3 years now and there're few people more entertaining and informative than Dakota. He knows his stuff about business and writing.”
Kieran Drew | Creator of High Impact Writing
full stack creator course mockup image
Here’s everything you get with The Full Stack Creator
  • Bi-Weekly Live Workshops (Hosted By Dakota)
  • An Active Community Of Like-Minded Creators and Entrepreneurs
  • Monthly Group Feedback Call (Hosted By The Community Manager, Nickolas)
  • Monthly Expert Masterclasses
  • Monthly Side Quests
  • Full Stack Branding Course
  • Full Stack Content Course
  • The Full Stack Mindset Course (coming soon)
  • Full Stack Business Course (coming soon)
  • (BONUS) 7 Video Masterclasses
  • (BONUS) Full Stack Engagement group
  • (BONUS) The Viral Video Swipe File
  • (BONUS) A Swipe File of Dakota’s Top-Performing Tweets
  • (BONUS) The LinkedIn Viral Swipe File
  • (BONUS) Social Media Post Templates
  • (BONUS) The Full Stack Focus System
  • A 30-minute 1-1 call with me
  • ⁠1-hour recorded email training with Sean Anthony
  • 1-hour recorded branding training from Connor Fowler (brand designer for Chris Williamson and Jordan Peterson)
  • 1-hour recorded sales and objection handling training with David Mendes
  • A 30-minute 1-1 call with me
  • ⁠1-hour recorded email training with Sean Anthony
  • 1-hour recorded branding training from Connor Fowler (brand designer for Chris Williamson and Jordan Peterson)
  • 1-hour recorded sales and objection handling training with David Mendes
This is all yours for one payment of:
Then $99per month
*cancel anytime
This is all yours for one payment of:
What the FAQ?
If you’ve got some questions I’ll try to answer them in an FAQ style section here.
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0% guarantee graphic
My 0% Money Back Guarantee
You want a guarantee?  

Cool, here it is: I guarantee there’s no guarantee or refunds for Full Stack Creator.  

None. Nada. Zilch. 
No guarantee sets the right expectations.
If you join expecting to build a 6 or 7-figure brand in 99 days, first off, you’re delusional…and second, you’re going to be disappointed when it doesn’t happen. 

I want to work with people who are committed and consistent. 
I’m not here to sell pipe dreams.
It’s a filter for who I don’t want to work with.
I value personal responsibility and want to work with people who are the same. No refunds repel those who don’t want to put in the work to get results.  
This is a digital product and the material inside can’t be returned.
This keeps freeloaders from buying (yeah I’m talking to you, Brad). I’ve simply created the tools for people to use. It’s up to you how you use them. If you want reassurance of my track record and results of previous clients, feel free to check out the testimonials and results below.
Still here?
I’m guessing you’re still looking for proof that this thing really works.
No problem- I gotchu...
Just Click The Button Already 
(You Know You Want To)
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